
How to plan your expenses for the upcoming sporting year 2016 in 3 quick steps

As January 1st 2016 checks in the invariable anguish of many athletes kicks in. The sporting calendar goes back into overdrive and the Rio Olympics keep getting closer and closer. The million dollar question for many athletes and teams is “ How am I going to organise my expenses”? Well this blog post attempts to answer that question in three quick and simple steps. 1 Building the CalendarThis allows a team or athlete to get a good sense at how busy the year will look. It may only be a rough layout but at least it’s a plan that can...

Early Crowdfunding Momentum

When one starts a crowdfunding campaign it is very important to gain early momentum. Early momentum goes a long way for the success of an athlete or a team’s campaign. There are many different aspects that give early momentum. Firstly,the objective would be to find out your total sum that you will raise. Secondly, I would look at the benchmarks you could set for yourself. These four points are a recipe for success and will give you a running start to your campaign. Before you start anything it is crucial that you make a clear financial plan so that you...

The Four Circles 2.0: The Four Circles Strike Back

This blog post is about reintroducing concepts that were exposed in a previous blog post by Mr David Ancor while adding a little new spice to the four circles. This is about breaking down thousands of campaign into those famed four circles of friends and family. There is a procedure an athlete or team can follow to reach a wider audience and get better crowdfunding results. Each circle is of differing proportion to the other and is of significant importance. One circle is very much of symbiotic importance to the other. However the one extra ingredient is how a member...

Maximisez le potentiel de votre campagne de financement participatif

  Un seul mot peut faire une énorme différence pour le succès de votre campagne. Un mot souvent utilisé, et même parfois un réflexe, mais dans le contexte de financement participatif, ce mot est souvent oublié. Quel est ce mot magique? Merci! Votre objectif ne serait pas atteint sans le soutien des autres, il est donc important de leur donner la reconnaissance qu'ils méritent. C'est non seulement ce qu'il faut faire, mais remercier vos contributeurs correctement peut augmenter exponentiellement vos chances de succès!   Voyons comment vous pouvez transformer un message de remerciement en contributions.